Providing Quality Dry Cleaning Services to Perth’s Western Suburbs Since the 1950’s

Mon-Fri: 07:00 - 5:00

Sat: 8am to 12 noon

Call Today 08 9384 5656

Happy to answer your questions

We Offer Same Day Service


Day & Evening Wear

Linen & Silk

Leather & Suede

Ball & Wedding Gowns

Doona's & Bedding

Handbags & Hats


Wash & Fold



Bag Wash

Folded Shirts

Holiday Wash

We Use Non-Toxic Green Earth Dry Cleaning Solvents

Clothes come back fresh and clean without an unpleasant dry cleaning odour,

Colours will never fade or run. Whites stay white - even with repeated cleaning

Garments come back softer - especially wools and cashmere

Fabrics will last longer and will never shrink

Delicate silk garments, sequins, leathers, fur, lace, chiffon and even vinyl all benefit from gentle GreenEarth cleaning

Green Earth is good for you, it’s good for your clothes and it’s good for the environment.